Wednesday, March 25, 2009


New Due Date

At the dr yesterday, they reviewed the notes from my 20 week unltrasound and I am now due July 27th! I guess that makes me 22 weeks now. This date seems to line up a little better with my last cycle than the August 6th date. Or maybe I am just going to have a huge boy! Let's hope not.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Goodbye Torpedo

Well, that isn't exactly true but it is starting to fill in and round out. I thought I would leave you with a different view this week. Hopefully by next week, the torpedo fill have faded away. Don't mind the rash. Apparently a growing belly is not all you get when pregnant.
We should have some exciting picture of the house this week. They are finishing the floor main level and will begin putting up the walls! Have a great week!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Steel & 18 weeks

Tim is admiring the view from a steel beam that is soon to house the floor of our family room.

Don't look down!

The torpedo just keeps getting bigger!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's a...

These ultrasounds look much better in person, so you may need to use your imagination. The top two are our proof that it is a boy. His bottom is on the left and his two legs are extending out to the right. Between them is our proof. The bottom pictures are of the head on the left and the abdomen on the right. The left picture is a profile of his face where the right one is the back of his head (I think).